Evil Bunny Productions presents The Boo! Bunny Hunt 13 Oct. 3-31st Ohh piece of candy...ohh piece of candy...that boo! bunny is a jokester! Dressed as a ghost, yelling BOO! at everyone, stealing their candy and running away-little does he know he's left us a trail of shiny wrapped yummies to help hunt him down. The Boo! Bunny is a fun Halloween hunt -Follow the trail of candy and you'll be led along a path of clues to hunt down your themed prizes! Don't delay, the bunny is running a muck, scaring everyone and most of all stealing the Halloween treats! Hunt him down and stop him before the candy is gone! You will have to USE THE BLOG for hunt hints and URL links to the next stop. https://evilbunnyhunt.blogspot.com/ Also check out hunt prize photos! https://www.flickr.com/groups/ebphunts/ https://www.facebook.com/evilbunnyproductions/ http://evilbunnyhunt.blogspot.com/ HUNT START>>http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grumble/173/162/21
Santa is SO grumpy! Apparently everyone has been bad this year and Santa is making us pay for it! Visit all of the stores and find the lumps of coal that Santa has left behind. What did Santa bring you this year? Who knows, he's, well, GRUMPY! Find the lumps of coal and end up with some crazy, strange, fun, mean and whimsical designer seasonal gifts! COME AND HUNT FOR THAT GRUMPY SANTA 5- Dec. 3-31st. http://evilbunnyhunt.blogspot.com/ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grumble/173/162/21
The Stupid Cupid Hunt 12 Feb. 3rd-29th, 2024 HINTS- http://evilbunnyhunt.blogspot.com/ That Cupid, he's so STUPID! He's trying to make love matches all across SL! It's time to stop cupid before he gets any more stupid! Find the arrows he's left laying around SL for amazing gifts from our designers. 1L arrows START HERE> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grumble/173/162/21 www.evilbunnysl.com https://www.facebook.com/evilbunnyproductions/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/ebphunts/
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