The BEACHED BUNNY is back and stuck in the sand...AGAIN!

 The Beached Bunny has gotten himself into a real mess. His fat behind is wedged in the sand and he can't get out!  To help him escape his sandy trap, and prevent a bad sunburn, collect all of the sand buckets and help dig him out!

Don't delay, the bunny is burning so get out there and start hunting for beach pails to help him out of his jam. He really should not have eaten all those easter peeps!

Please join the EVIL BUNNY HUNTS group in-world for help:


*You are searching for a blue sand pail with shovel*

Be sure to hit the SUBSCRIBE button on the poster and save yourself group room to keep up-to-date on all of the Evil Bunny Productions events & hunts.  <<< check out gifts here  <<< hints


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